Salsawit Tesfaye Yigrem
Director of Center for Healthcare Innovation Office
AaBET Hospital by SPHMMC
Salsawit Tesfaye Yigrem has over 3 years of experience in healthcare quality improvement & healthcare innovation, especially focusing on healthcare capacity development. Currently, Salsawit works as the director of Center for Healthcare Innovation in one of the biggest trauma& Emergency hospital called AaBET Hospital, where she focuses on health Innovation, healthcare system improvement, and capacity building.
Salsawit holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine from St. Paul’s Hospital Millennium Medical College where she has gotten a special focus on Emergency Medical care. Salsawit is driven by her commitment to health-tech & innovation that is accessible and efficient. And one day she hopes to witness a self-sustaining Medical Empire by summing it up with science, technology, education and humility. Salsawit plans to establish an effective healthcare technology that helps health institutions’ progress to competency & teach community while also providing them to easily access standardized, and sustainable healthcare services.